Our Offerings
Products and Services
The members of The Grove have been developing and delivering a range of creative and regenerative services and products. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
The Triangles Game
A facilitated process between people in a complex, stuck problem who have become disconnected and need each other to find surprising new ground together. Based on the theory of the drama triangle and the thriving triangle initially developed by Ruth McCance and Peter Hill this game creates a safe and supportive environment to resolve differences and see from different perspectives.
Each person leaves having been able to advocate for their views, been listened to with respect, learned from others by listening to them, and can leave feeling their integrity is intact in supporting the decision. They feel whole, real and at peace with themselves. They have found new ground together.
Finding New Ground - 100% Consensus
A facilitated process between people in a complex, stuck problem who have become disconnected and need each other to find surprising new ground together.
Each person leaves having been able to advocate for their views, been listened to with respect, learned from others by listening to them, and can leave feeling their integrity is intact in supporting the decision. They feel whole, real and at peace with themselves. They have found new ground together.
The network of The Grove offers a unique combination of services and products developed and delivered by experiences practitioners and professionals in areas including organisational change and transformation, resilience programs, transformative learning, systems and futures thinking, restorative practice, creative business strategy and more…
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the potential to engage a team of members from The Grove to support your organisational goals.

"Because of us people and organisations can pass through fire and regenerate their true nature.”
Breathe with us…
Impermanence meditation (6 minutes) Voice: Monique Potts, Recording: Vanessa Alexander
Interdependence meditation (7 minutes) Voice: Monique Potts, Recording: Vanessa Alexander
Compassion meditation (12 mins) From Compassion Dojo

Our Inspiration
The Ruth McCance Foundation
"The journey of healing will last my whole life True compassion is to love all of myself just as I am now - that's all I need to do" Ruth McCance
Founding member Ruth McCance passed away in an avalanche whilst climbing Nanda Devi in the Himalayas. Many friends made a donation at her funeral to continue her work in the Grove. The Grove has established a Ruth McCance Foundation to steward these donations.