COMPASSION, HOW DOES IT FLOW? - a poetic scribing of our time together in dojo by Vanessa J Alexander.

Dedicated In Loving Memory of Ruth McCance.

how does it flow?

We take our seat
to be with the breath
the heartbeat
through the feet
floating above the ground
all gently held and softly wrapped
the singing bowl
draws and calls
us closer
we check-in
what is the question in our heart?
what does compassion mean to us?

A journey of discovery
bringing to business culture
something always there
but rarely expressed
the light
we go through the darkness
to meet
in curiosity
with empathy
that shows us
where it’s not
and underneath it all
why we’re here.

The power of self-compassion
greater than self-confidence
as we struggle to feel
for those closer
than those far
the yin/yang
power and vulnerability
an embodied sense
of keeping the heart open
for compassionate healing
to help us
let go
into our future
trying, failing, trying, failing
owning and learning to love
these elements of myself
I observe through others

The enigma
of why we forget
how to care for each other
in these turbulent times
how can I love you
so your unmet needs are met?
embracing the space
of my imperfections
allows me to lean into
even more questions
holding the basic beauty
within us all
the sense of separation
meeting life on life’s terms
the wounds of our heart
that form connection
can cause disconnection
attending to intention
we care for me
as well as thee.

Sharing time equally
holding a space
through generous eyes
to access the essence
the ocean of compassion
deep within
a turbulent surface
calm at the source.

are we naturally compassionate?
born then unmade
by opening ourselves
could this be all that we need?
could this be what we all need?

are the places of war and desperation
the breeding ground for compassion
or the comfortable middle-class cushioning
where it truly needs cultivating?

As our own Mother
Theresa tells us
if you want to change the world
go home and love your family
alleviate and elevate
the noun of abstraction
from feeling to action
the verb an act of love.

A practice
of relaxing
the muscle of the heart
shields down
to ask how am I in heart relationship?
the boundaries of our compassion
upheld by collective compassion
the compassion triangle
assertive, caring, vulnerable
children, partners, loved ones
both the hardest and easiest.

A system
of understanding and empathy
the intimacy
of you and me
reframing pain
is a heartmind opening
to all forms of compassion.

A moment
of peeling the layers of protection
the weight upon me
into the energy
of all of us
to feel and give.

In the spirit of learning
sensing what’s spoken
being human
turning up
for a worthy practice
that’s needed in these times
a community practice
the grounding energy of circle
the beauty of diversity
of understanding boundaries
the gift that I needed right now
being moved to tears

Holding space
for love
with the window wide open
for the ebb and flow
in touch with the unifying feeling
of the act of compassion
sealed with a song…

…if only you could see them
you would know from their faces
there were future power people
from the loved to the loveless
shining a light 'cause they wanted it seen.

By Vanessa J Alexander